Java TreeMap (s primjerima)

U ovom uputstvu uz primjere ćemo naučiti o klasi Java TreeMap i njezinim operacijama.

TreeMapKlasa Java zbirki okvir osigurava provedbu stablo strukture podataka.

Provodi sučelje NavigableMap.

Stvaranje Karte stabla

Da bismo stvorili TreeMap, prvo moramo uvesti java.util.TreeMappaket. Nakon što uvozimo paket, evo kako možemo stvoriti a TreeMapu Javi.

 TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); 

U gornjem kodu stvorili smo TreeMapimenovane brojeve bez ikakvih argumenata. U ovom se slučaju elementi u TreeMapsortiraju prirodno (uzlazno).

Međutim, sortiranje elemenata možemo prilagoditi pomoću Comparatorsučelja. O tome ćemo saznati kasnije u ovom vodiču.


  • Ključ - jedinstveni identifikator koji se koristi za povezivanje svakog elementa (vrijednosti) na karti
  • Vrijednost - elementi pridruženi ključevima na karti

Metode TreeMap-a

TreeMapKlasa pruža razne metode koje nam omogućuju izvođenje operacija na karti.

Umetnite elemente u TreeMap

  • put() - na kartu ubacuje određeno mapiranje ključa / vrijednosti (unos)
  • putAll() - na ovu kartu ubacuje sve unose s određene karte
  • putIfAbsent() - ubacuje navedeno mapiranje ključa / vrijednosti na kartu ako navedeni ključ nije prisutan na karti

Na primjer,

 import java.util.TreeMap; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( // Creating TreeMap of even numbers TreeMap evenNumbers = new TreeMap(); // Using put() evenNumbers.put("Two", 2); evenNumbers.put("Four", 4); // Using putIfAbsent() evenNumbers.putIfAbsent("Six", 6); System.out.println("TreeMap of even numbers: " + evenNumbers); //Creating TreeMap of numbers TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); numbers.put("One", 1); // Using putAll() numbers.putAll(evenNumbers); System.out.println("TreeMap of numbers: " + numbers); ) ) 


 Karta stabla parnih brojeva: (Četiri = 4, Šest = 6, Dvije = 2) Karta stabla brojeva: (Četiri = 4, Jedna = 1, Šest = 6, Dvije = 2) 

Pristupite elementima TreeMap

1. Korištenje entrySet (), keySet () i vrijednosti ()

  • entrySet() - vraća skup svih mapiranja ključeva / vrijednosti (unos) mape stabla
  • keySet() - vraća skup svih ključeva mape stabla
  • values() - vraća skup svih karata mape stabla

Na primjer,

 import java.util.TreeMap; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); numbers.put("One", 1); numbers.put("Two", 2); numbers.put("Three", 3); System.out.println("TreeMap: " + numbers); // Using entrySet() System.out.println("Key/Value mappings: " + numbers.entrySet()); // Using keySet() System.out.println("Keys: " + numbers.keySet()); // Using values() System.out.println("Values: " + numbers.values()); ) ) 


 Karta stabla: (Jedna = 1, Tri = 3, Dvije = 2) Mapiranje ključa / vrijednosti: (Jedna = 1, Tri = 3, Dvije = 2) Tipke: (Jedna, Tri, Dvije) Vrijednosti: (1, 3, 2 ) 

2. Korištenje get () i getOrDefault ()

  • get()- Vraća vrijednost povezanu s navedenim ključem. Vraća nulu ako ključ nije pronađen.
  • getOrDefault()- Vraća vrijednost povezanu s navedenim ključem. Vraća navedenu zadanu vrijednost ako ključ nije pronađen.

Na primjer,

 import java.util.TreeMap; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); numbers.put("One", 1); numbers.put("Two", 2); numbers.put("Three", 3); System.out.println("TreeMap: " + numbers); // Using get() int value1 = numbers.get("Three"); System.out.println("Using get(): " + value1); // Using getOrDefault() int value2 = numbers.getOrDefault("Five", 5); System.out.println("Using getOrDefault(): " + value2); ) ) 


 TreeMap: (One = 1, Three = 3, Two = 2) Korištenje get (): 3 Korištenje getOrDefault (): 5 

Ovdje getOrDefault()metoda ne pronalazi ključnu peticu. Stoga vraća navedenu zadanu vrijednost 5.

Uklonite elemente TeeMap

  • remove(key) - vraća i uklanja unos povezan s navedenim ključem s mape stabla
  • remove(key, value) - uklanja unos s karte samo ako je navedeni ključ povezan s navedenom vrijednošću i vraća logičku vrijednost

Na primjer,

 import java.util.TreeMap; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); numbers.put("One", 1); numbers.put("Two", 2); numbers.put("Three", 3); System.out.println("TreeMap: " + numbers); // remove method with single parameter int value = numbers.remove("Two"); System.out.println("Removed value: " + value); // remove method with two parameters boolean result = numbers.remove("Three", 3); System.out.println("Is the entry (Three=3) removed? " + result); System.out.println("Updated TreeMap: " + numbers); ) ) 


Karta drveta: (Jedan = 1, Tri = 3, Dva = 2) Uklonjena vrijednost = 2 Je li unos (Tri = 3) uklonjen? Istinito ažurirana karta stabla: (jedna = 1)

Zamijenite elemente TreeMap

  • replace(key, value) - zamjenjuje vrijednost mapiranu navedenim ključem novom vrijednošću
  • replace(key, old, new) - zamjenjuje staru vrijednost novom vrijednošću samo ako je stara vrijednost već pridružena navedenom ključu
  • replaceAll(function) - zamjenjuje svaku vrijednost karte rezultatom navedene funkcije

Na primjer,

 import java.util.TreeMap; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); numbers.put("First", 1); numbers.put("Second", 2); numbers.put("Third", 3); System.out.println("Original TreeMap: " + numbers); // Using replace() numbers.replace("Second", 22); numbers.replace("Third", 3, 33); System.out.println("TreeMap using replace: " + numbers); // Using replaceAll() numbers.replaceAll((key, oldValue) -> oldValue + 2); System.out.println("TreeMap using replaceAll: " + numbers); ) ) 


 Original TreeMap: (First=1, Second=2, Third=3) TreeMap using replace(): (First=1, Second=22, Third=33) TreeMap using replaceAll(): (First=3, Second=24, Third=35) 

In the above program notice the statement

 numbers.replaceAll((key, oldValue) -> oldValue + 2); 

Here, we have passed a lambda expression as an argument.

The replaceAll() method accesses all the entries of the map. It then replaces all the elements with the new values (returned from the lambda expression).

Methods for Navigation

Since the TreeMap class implements NavigableMap, it provides various methods to navigate over the elements of the treemap.

1. First and Last Methods

  • firstKey() - returns the first key of the map
  • firstEntry() - returns the key/value mapping of the first key of the map
  • lastKey() - returns the last key of the map
  • lastEntry() - returns the key/value mapping of the last key of the map

For example,

 import java.util.TreeMap; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); numbers.put("First", 1); numbers.put("Second", 2); numbers.put("Third", 3); System.out.println("TreeMap: " + numbers); // Using the firstKey() method String firstKey = numbers.firstKey(); System.out.println("First Key: " + firstKey); // Using the lastKey() method String lastKey = numbers.lastKey(); System.out.println("Last Key: " + lastKey); // Using firstEntry() method System.out.println("First Entry: " + numbers.firstEntry()); // Using the lastEntry() method System.out.println("Last Entry: " + numbers.lastEntry()); ) ) 


 TreeMap: (First=1, Second=2, Third=3) First Key: First Last Key: Third First Entry: First=1 Last Entry: Third=3 

2. Ceiling, Floor, Higher and Lower Methods

  • higherKey() - Returns the lowest key among those keys that are greater than the specified key.
  • higherEntry() - Returns an entry associated with a key that is lowest among all those keys greater than the specified key.
  • lowerKey() - Returns the greatest key among all those keys that are less than the specified key.
  • lowerEntry() - Returns an entry associated with a key that is greatest among all those keys that are less than the specified key.
  • ceilingKey() - Returns the lowest key among those keys that are greater than the specified key. If the key passed as an argument is present in the map, it returns that key.
  • ceilingEntry() - Returns an entry associated with a key that is lowest among those keys that are greater than the specified key. It an entry associated with the key passed an argument is present in the map, it returns the entry associated with that key.
  • floorKey() - Returns the greatest key among those keys that are less than the specified key. If the key passed as an argument is present, it returns that key.
  • floorEntry() - Returns an entry associated with a key that is greatest among those keys that are less than the specified key. If the key passed as argument is present, it returns that key.

For example,

 import java.util.TreeMap; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); numbers.put("First", 1); numbers.put("Second", 5); numbers.put("Third", 4); numbers.put("Fourth", 6); System.out.println("TreeMap: " + numbers); // Using higher() System.out.println("Using higherKey(): " + numbers.higherKey("Fourth")); System.out.println("Using higherEntry(): " + numbers.higherEntry("Fourth")); // Using lower() System.out.println("Using lowerKey(): " + numbers.lowerKey("Fourth")); System.out.println("Using lowerEntry(): " + numbers.lowerEntry("Fourth")); // Using ceiling() System.out.println("Using ceilingKey(): " + numbers.ceilingKey("Fourth")); System.out.println("Using ceilingEntry(): " + numbers.ceilingEntry("Fourth")); // Using floor() System.out.println("Using floorKey(): " + numbers.floorKey("Fourth")); System.out.println("Using floorEntry(): " + numbers.floorEntry("Fourth")); ) ) 


 TreeMap: (First=1, Fourth=6, Second=5, Third=4) Using higherKey(): Second Using higherEntry(): Second=5 Using lowerKey(): First Using lowerEntry(): First=1 Using ceilingKey(): Fourth Using ceilingEntry(): Fourth=6 Using floorkey(): Fourth Using floorEntry(): Fourth=6 

3. pollFirstEntry() and pollLastEntry() Methods

  • pollFirstEntry() - returns and removes the entry associated with the first key of the map
  • pollLastEntry() - returns and removes the entry associated with the last key of the map

For example,

 import java.util.TreeMap; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); numbers.put("First", 1); numbers.put("Second", 2); numbers.put("Third", 3); System.out.println("TreeMap: " + numbers); //Using the pollFirstEntry() method System.out.println("Using pollFirstEntry(): " + numbers.pollFirstEntry()); // Using the pollLastEntry() method System.out.println("Using pollLastEntry(): " + numbers.pollLastEntry()); System.out.println("Updated TreeMap: " + numbers); ) ) 


 TreeMap: (First=1, Second=2, Third=3) Using pollFirstEntry(): First=1 Using pollLastEntry(): Third=3 Updated TreeMap: (Second=2) 

4. headMap(), tailMap() and subMap() Methods

headMap(key, booleanValue)

The headMap() method returns all the key/value pairs of a treemap before the specified key (which is passed as an argument).

The booleanValue parameter is optional. Its default value is false.

If true is passed as a booleanValue, the method also includes the key/value pair of the key which is passed as an argument.

For example,

 import java.util.TreeMap; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); numbers.put("First", 1); numbers.put("Second", 2); numbers.put("Third", 3); numbers.put("Fourth", 4); System.out.println("TreeMap: " + numbers); System.out.println("Using headMap() Method:"); // Using headMap() with default booleanValue System.out.println("Without boolean value: " + numbers.headMap("Fourth")); // Using headMap() with specified booleanValue System.out.println("With boolean value: " + numbers.headMap("Fourth", true)); ) ) 


 TreeMap: (First=1, Fourth=4, Second=2, Third=3) Using headMap() Method: Without boolean value: (First=1) With boolean value: (First=1, Fourth=4) 

tailMap(key, booleanValue)

The tailMap() method returns all the key/value pairs of a treemap starting from the specified key (which is passed as an argument).

The booleanValue is an optional parameter. Its default value is true.

If false is passed as a booleanValue, the method doesn't include the key/value pair of the specified key.

For example,

 import java.util.TreeMap; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); numbers.put("First", 1); numbers.put("Second", 2); numbers.put("Third", 3); numbers.put("Fourth", 4); System.out.println("TreeMap: " + numbers); System.out.println("Using tailMap() Method:"); // Using tailMap() with default booleanValue System.out.println("Without boolean value: " + numbers.tailMap("Second")); // Using tailMap() with specified booleanValue System.out.println("With boolean value: " + numbers.tailMap("Second", false)); ) ) 


 TreeMap: (First=1, Fourth=4, Second=2, Third=3) Using tailMap() Method: Without boolean value: (Second=2, Third=3) With boolean value: (Third=3) 

subMap(k1, bV1, k2, bV2)

The subMap() method returns all the entries associated with keys between k1 and k2 including the entry of k1.

The bV1 and bV2 are optional boolean parameters. The default value of bV1 is true and the default value of bV2 is false.

If false is passed as bV1, the method returns all the entries associated with keys between k1 and k2 without including the entry of k1.

If true is passed as bV2, the method returns all the entries associated with keys between k1 and k2 including the entry of k2.

For example,

 import java.util.TreeMap; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(); numbers.put("First", 1); numbers.put("Second", 2); numbers.put("Third", 3); numbers.put("Fourth", 4); System.out.println("TreeMap: " + numbers); System.out.println("Using subMap() Method:"); // Using subMap() with default booleanValue System.out.println("Without boolean value: " + numbers.subMap("Fourth", "Third")); // Using subMap() with specified booleanValue System.out.println("With boolean value: " + numbers.subMap("Fourth", false, "Third", true)); ) ) 


 TreeMap: (First=1, Fourth=2, Second=2, Third=3) Using subMap() Method: Without boolean value: (Fourth=4, Second=2) With boolean value: (Second=2, Third=3) 

Other Methods of TreeMap

Method Description
clone() Creates a copy of the TreeMap
containsKey() Searches the TreeMap for the specified key and returns a boolean result
containsValue() Searches the TreeMap for the specified value and returns a boolean result
size() Returns the size of the TreeMap
clear() Removes all the entries from the TreeMap

TreeMap Comparator

In all the examples above, treemap elements are sorted naturally (in ascending order). However, we can also customize the ordering of keys.

For this, we need to create our own comparator class based on which keys in a treemap are sorted. For example,

 import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Comparator; class Main ( public static void main(String() args) ( // Creating a treemap with a customized comparator TreeMap numbers = new TreeMap(new CustomComparator()); numbers.put("First", 1); numbers.put("Second", 2); numbers.put("Third", 3); numbers.put("Fourth", 4); System.out.println("TreeMap: " + numbers); ) // Creating a comparator class public static class CustomComparator implements Comparator ( @Override public int compare(String number1, String number2) ( int value = number1.compareTo(number2); // elements are sorted in reverse order if (value> 0) ( return -1; ) else if (value < 0) ( return 1; ) else ( return 0; ) ) ) ) 


 TreeMap: (Third=3, Second=2, Fourth=4, First=1) 

U gornjem primjeru stvorili smo drvnu kartu koja kao argument prosljeđuje klasu CustomComparator.

Klasa CustomComparator implementira Comparatorsučelje.

Zatim nadjačavamo compare()metodu za sortiranje elemenata obrnutim redoslijedom.

Da biste saznali više, posjetite Java Comparator (službena Java dokumentacija).

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